Home Brew Lanolin Formula’s

Have you seen Trev’s Blog? If not click here, this link will take you to Trev’s Blog and his video on Lanolin Rustproofing Coatings

What do you think? Can home brew rustproofing formula’s stand-up to the competition and stand the test of time?

Over the last few years thin film lanolin solutions have really taken off, these solutions contains vary degrees of lanolin and are designed for easily coating your vehicle with minimal equipment. But, do they work?

Well, Yes but not for long (in my opinion)

Now whether that’s a problems I guess depends on your expectations of a product, whether the cost of the product, how long the product lasts and time it takes to apply. These products require re-application once or twice per year.

These Lanolin formulas typically have around 8-15% Lanolin the rest of the product is likely a vegetable oil/solvent.

Rustbuster Corrolan Pure contains approximately 70% Lanolin and can be thinned with Corrolan Turbo to produce you own thickness Lanolin recipe, this was always the plan for this and the reason why we looked for the best solvent possible for this. As you’ll have seen from Trev’s video the penetration of the Corrolan Turbo thinner is pretty impressive, using this thinner as a carrier moving lanolin into the metal provides a great rustproofing formula.

Trev’s Home Brew Formula?

Trev made a formula of 50% Corrolan Pure a 50% Corrolan Turbo, both of these products can be purchased separately or you can simply purchase the Corrolan Penetrator which is already thinned 50/50.



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