Product feedback request

If you’ve placed an order with Rustbuster in the past you’ll know that we ask for feedback. This feedback can be anything from the ordering process, ease of navigation of the website, things you’d like to see added (technical or Products) well in recent weeks we’ve,

*Added a new easy to read product details box
*Added the current catalogue
*Added a HTML Sitemap
*Added delivery details to every product page
*Added a need assistance box to every product page
*We’ve also started to add small how to use videos

All of these changes have come about through listening to feedback, now we want to ask for your feedback again.
We have decided to add the option to review the products you purchase, every product page now has the option to leave a review.

So, over to you.

If you’ve recently purchased a Rustbuster product or we’ve rust proofed your vehicle it would be great if you could leave a small review.

Many Thanks

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