The Paint Inspection Kit is an essential piece of equipment for all industrial painters and paint inspectors, enabling them to have all the necessary paint inspection equipment to ensure that industrial paint coating is correctly applied throughout the paint coating process.
Supplied in an Industrial Foam-Filled Carrying Case, ensuring that all the Paint Inspection equipment is easily available and transportable.
Calibration Certificates with traceability to UKAS are an optional extra. The Certificates are supplied in a paper format , for UKAS certification please enquire. The Certification will list all your equipment that is calibrated, showing the renewal dates and allowing Calibration Certificates to be viewed at any time.
The Paint Inspection Kit is supplied with the following equipment:
EBAN 4000 COATING THICKNESS METER (C4001): Measures all coatings on steel and iron substrates using the magnetic induction principle, ensuring the correct coating thickness has been applied. Other models of the Eban 4000 can be supplied. PLEASE ASK FOR DETAILS.
TESTEX TAPE (R1002) and TESTEX GAUGE (R1004): A unique replica technique and a simple snap gauge make possible accurate, low-cost blast-surface profile measurements. Testex makes surface replicas easy to obtain and produces average maximum peak-to-valley readings that ensure optimum blasting effectiveness. Replicas can be retained for future needs.
TRICOMB WET FILM GAUGE (W2001): Ensures the quality control of the paint thickness while the coating is still wet. Applying too much coating can be expensive.
DIGITAL THERMOMETER (T2003): Allows the measurement of the substrate temperature to be taken immediately. This ensures that the substrate can be maintained at a temperature sufficiently above the dew point to prevent moisture forming on the uncoated surface.
RH% DEWPOINT METER (H2005): Allows the determination of the relative humidity, dew point and air temperature before the application of a coating. Specifications usually detail that the relative humidity and the dew point temperature must be strictly adhered to, and that the surface temperature is monitored.
BRESLE TEST (P2004): Many coatings fail due to salts such as chlorides and sulphates contaminating the surface prior to the coating application. This contamination can be tested quickly and simply using the Bresle Test.